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What is Bulimia?

Description of the disease

Bulimia is a serious eating disorder characterized by periodic episodes of excessive eating followed by compensatory behavior, such as vomiting or the use of laxatives.


  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Purging bulimia
  • Non-purging bulimia


Symptoms of bulimia may include periods of excessive eating, loss of control over eating, the use of compensatory methods to get rid of eating, as well as a variety of physical and psychological problems.


The causes of bulimia may be related to genetics, psychological factors, societal pressure for thinness, and other psycho-emotional problems.


The diagnosis of bulimia includes medical examination, psychological assessment, and laboratory tests to exclude other possible causes of symptoms.


Treatment for bulimia may include psychotherapy, medication therapy, supportive measures, and restructuring of eating behavior.


Prevention of bulimia involves creating a healthy relationship with food, teaching stress resilience, and increasing self-esteem.


Treatment for bulimia is performed by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist specializing in eating disorders.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.