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What is Enuresis?

Description of the disease

Enuresis is a condition in which a person experiences involuntary urination, especially during nighttime. This condition is commonly found in children, but can also occur in adults.


  • By time of occurrence (daytime, nighttime, or mixed enuresis)
  • By causes (organic, functional, or mixed enuresis)


The main symptom is involuntary urination, especially at night. In children, this condition may be accompanied by stress, fear, or intense excitement.


The causes of enuresis can be varied, including genetic factors, delayed development of bladder control, psychological problems, or medical conditions.


Various tests, including urine analysis, ultrasound of the bladder, and consultation with a psychologist, are used for diagnosing enuresis.


Treatment of enuresis may involve psychotherapy, medication, physiotherapy, and the use of special devices for urine control.


Prevention of enuresis includes a balanced diet, regular urination, limiting fluid intake at night, and addressing psychological issues.


For consultation and treatment of enuresis, one should seek a urologist, pediatrician, or psychotherapist.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.