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What is Uterine Hypoplasia?

Description of the disease

Uterine hypoplasia is a pathological condition in which a woman has underdeveloped uterus. This can cause various problems with pregnancy and make it difficult to conceive.


  • Complete hypoplasia - when the uterus is completely absent
  • Partial hypoplasia - when the uterus is partially developed, but has an unusual shape or size


  • Irregular menstruation
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Conception difficulties


Uterine hypoplasia can be caused by genetic factors, deficiency of nutrients in the mother's diet during pregnancy, exposure to toxic substances, etc.


Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, hysteroscopy are used for diagnosis.


Treatment may include medication, correction of hormonal imbalance, surgical intervention in case hypoplasia hinders conception or causes painful symptoms.


Prevention of uterine hypoplasia involves a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and giving up harmful habits.


Diagnosis and treatment of uterine hypoplasia are carried out by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.