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Hypovolemic Shock

Description of the Disease:

Hypovolemic shock is a condition in which there is acute loss of blood or fluid, leading to a decrease in the circulating blood volume and critical drop in arterial pressure.


  • Hypovolemic shock can be classified as primary (related to blood loss) or secondary (related to fluid loss).


  • Symptoms of hypovolemic shock include hypotension, tachycardia, paleness, shivering, weakness, drowsiness, confusion, and increased thirst.


  • Main causes of hypovolemic shock include trauma, acute blood loss, burns, severe diarrhea or vomiting, and significant fluid loss due to dehydration.


Diagnosis of hypovolemic shock involves measuring arterial pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, blood analysis for hematocrit and hemoglobin, as well as a clinical assessment of the patient's condition.


Treatment of hypovolemic shock involves fluid replacement, blood transfusion, stabilization of the cardiovascular system, addressing the cause of blood or fluid loss, and supporting organ and tissue function.


  • Prevention of hypovolemic shock includes preventing injuries, handling sharp objects with care, timely treatment of conditions leading to blood or fluid loss, and maintaining optimal hydration levels.


For the diagnosis and treatment of hypovolemic shock, it is important to consult an intensivist, surgeon, or traumatologist.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.