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Purulent Bursitis: description, classification, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, doctor

Description of the disease

Purulent bursitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs as a result of infection of the synovial membrane of the joint, leading to the formation of pus inside the joint. This condition can cause severe pain and limitation of joint mobility.


Purulent bursitis is classified depending on the localization of the inflammation. The most commonly affected are the synovial bursae of the knee, elbow, and shoulder joints.


  • Swelling and redness at the site of infection
  • Pain when moving and pressing on the joint
  • Elevated temperature in the inflamed area


The main cause of purulent bursitis is infection, which can enter the joint bursa through injury, bites, or other skin damage.


To diagnose purulent bursitis, a doctor performs an examination, palpation, and additional diagnostic methods such as analysis of synovial fluid and X-rays may be prescribed.


Treatment of purulent bursitis includes taking antibiotics, draining the pus, applying anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, and in some cases, surgical intervention.


To prevent purulent bursitis, it is necessary to avoid injuries and promptly seek medical attention for any joint damage.


Purulent bursitis is treated by an orthopedic doctor.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.