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What is Athlete's Foot?

Description of the disease

Athlete's foot, or foot fungus, is an infection caused by fungi that affects the skin of the feet and toenails. This is a common condition that can lead to discomfort and foot problems.


Athlete's foot can be classified depending on the type of fungus that caused the infection, and the area of involvement: interdigital intertriginous mycosis, surface keratomycosis, or dermatophytosis of the nails.


Symptoms of athlete's foot include itching, redness, skin peeling, cracks, odor, and changes in the appearance of the nails.


Athlete's foot is usually caused by contact with fungi on contaminated surfaces, but it can also be transmitted through shoes, towels, or other personal hygiene items.


Diagnostics for athlete's foot usually include a visual examination and sometimes taking samples for laboratory analysis.


Treatment for athlete's foot includes the use of special medications, both topical and systemic, as well as maintaining personal hygiene measures.


Preventive measures include wearing shoes made of natural materials, daily foot washing, drying between the toes, and avoiding walking barefoot in public places.


For the diagnosis and treatment of athlete's foot, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or pediatrician.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.