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What is Contagious Molluscum?

Description of the disease:

Contagious molluscum is a viral disease caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus. It is characterized by the appearance of small, colorless lesions on the skin, usually in children. The disease is transmitted through contact with infected objects or skin, as well as through swimming pools.


  • Age-related: the disease is most commonly found in children
  • By the type of pathogen: caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus


Small, colorless lesions on the skin, often with transparent contents. They can cause itching and discomfort.


The cause of the disease is the infection of the body with the molluscum contagiosum virus through contact with infected objects or skin.


The diagnosis is based on a physical examination and medical history. Sometimes a biopsy may be required to confirm the diagnosis.


In most cases, contagious molluscum resolves on its own without treatment. In some cases, topical medications or procedures may be used to remove the lesions.


  • Avoiding contact with infected objects and skin
  • Maintaining personal hygiene

