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If you'd like to use an ointment to rid yourself of certain conditions or ailments, try one of the natural remedies below. Each ointment is made from 100% natural ingredients that provide the maximum in strength. Ointments are easily able to be spread on the affected area of skin. Each bottle has printed directions to let you know exactly where it goes, how long it takes to work, expected results and how often it should be used. Natural ointments can provide you with little to no side effects while being able to take away any symptoms you might be experiencing. Take a look at our expansive selection of all natural ointments to find one that might be able to help you.
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  1. Флуоцинолона ацетонид - синтетический сильнодействующий глюкокортикоид для наружного применения в дерматологии. Обладает противовоспалительным, противозудным и антиэкссудативным действием. Гель обладает липофильными свойствами и легко проникает через кожу. При применении флуоцинолона ацетонида в виде геля в дозе 2 г может снизиться продукция гипофизом адренокортикотропного гормона (АКТГ) в результате угнетения системы гипофиз- надпочечники. Флуоцинолона ацетонид уменьшает образование, высвобождение и активность медиаторов воспаления. При воздействии на кожу происходит предупреждение краевого скопления нейтрофилов, что приводит к уменьшению воспалительного экссудата и продукции цитокинов; торможению миграции макрофагов, уменьшению процессов инфильтрации и грануляции.
  2. In 60 as in 30 golden mustache with formic alcohol balm - the consistency is moderately thick, the color is from transparent white to cream, the smell is moderate
    The action and effectiveness of the balm are ensured by the high biological activity and synergism of its components
    Golden mustache is one of the most powerful medicinal plants, a powerful biogenic stimulant with a wide range of therapeutic effects. Thanks to a rare combination of biologically active substances, the Golden Mustache helps with many diseases; Particularly effective in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine: rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis. It has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, immunoregulatory, restorative effect, and has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. The high medicinal effectiveness of this medicinal plant has earned it the well-deserved love and trust of the people.

  3. Golden Star Balsam contains clove, peppermint oils, and cinnamon that work together to stimulate the sensitive nerve endings. In addition this balsam produces a diverting, and somewhat anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. Use in cases of headache, inflammation of the sinuses and throat, sea-sickness and head colds. Recommended dosage: Apply a very thin layer and rub it into the forehead, temples, and back of the head. In cases of insect stings, apply on the bite and rub balsam gently. Do not use the balsam in cases of hypersensitivity and skin lesions and other purulent diseases. Avoid contact with the eyes.
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