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What is Oleogranuloma?

Description of the disease

Oleogranuloma is a surgical condition characterized by the formation of a large mass in the area of the elbow joint. It occurs due to inflammation and the formation of a granuloma containing internal perilesional fat. It usually occurs as a result of trauma.


Oleogranuloma is classified as a chronic inflammatory disease.


  • Formation of a mass or abscess in the area of the elbow joint
  • Pain and swelling around the mass
  • Limited mobility of the elbow joint


Oleogranuloma usually occurs as a result of mechanical or sports-related trauma, leading to inflammation and granuloma formation.


Diagnosis of oleogranuloma may require X-rays or ultrasound examination.


Treatment of oleogranuloma may include the use of medication therapy, physiotherapy, or surgical intervention.


Prevention of oleogranuloma includes avoiding elbow joint injuries and seeking medical help promptly when the first signs of inflammation appear.


Oleogranuloma treatment is carried out by a surgeon or orthopedic specialist.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.