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What is Pinguecula?

Description of the disease

Pinguecula is a benign growth on the conjunctiva of the eye that typically occurs in people over 40 years old. It appears as a yellowish or grayish deposit on the white part of the eye, often near the cornea.


  • Pinguecula without inflammation
  • Pinguecula with inflammation


Symptoms of pinguecula may include a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, sensitivity to light, itching, and redness of the eye.


The main cause of pinguecula is prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, as well as dust, wind, and other harmful external factors.


Pinguecula can be detected during a routine eye examination by an experienced ophthalmologist.


Typically, pinguecula does not require treatment if it does not cause discomfort. In case of inflammation, local anti-inflammatory drops may be used.


To prevent pinguecula, it is recommended to use sunglasses that protect against ultraviolet rays, as well as protect the eyes from dust and wind.


For the diagnosis and treatment of pinguecula, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.