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What is Food Allergy?

Description of the disease

Food allergy is an acute reaction of the immune system to certain foods, which can cause various symptoms including skin rash, itching, swelling, breathing problems, and even anaphylactic shock.


  • IgE-associated allergies
  • Non-IgE-associated allergies


Symptoms of food allergy can range from mild to severe and include skin manifestations, breathing problems, and gastrointestinal disorders.


The cause of food allergy is an abnormal immune system reaction to specific proteins in food.


Diagnostics of food allergy include allergy tests, blood tests, and provocation tests.


Treatment includes avoidance of allergens, use of antihistamines, and, if necessary, epinephrine injections.


Preventive measures include avoiding known allergens and being cautious when selecting food products.


An allergist is responsible for diagnosing, treating, and preventing food allergy.

Note: This material is provided solely for informational purposes and is not medical advice.