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What is Spinal Subluxation?

Description of the disease

A spinal subluxation is a condition in which there is a partial or complete displacement of a vertebra from its normal position. This can lead to severe pain and restricted movement.


  • Cervical subluxation
  • Thoracic subluxation
  • Lumbar subluxation


Symptoms of spinal subluxation include acute back pain, numbness, weakness in the limbs, and restricted movement.


Spinal subluxation can be caused by injury, improper lifting of heavy objects, prolonged incorrect body posture.


Diagnosis of spinal subluxation involves X-rays, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging.


Treatment of spinal subluxation may include wearing a special brace, physiotherapy, massage, and rehabilitation.


To prevent spinal subluxation, it is recommended to maintain correct body posture, strengthen the back muscles, and avoid lifting heavy objects improperly.


A doctor specializing in spinal problems can help in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal subluxation.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.