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What is Polymenorrhea?

Description of the disease

Polymenorrhea is a condition in which a woman experiences excessively frequent menstrual bleeding, with cycles that are long and irregular.


  • Polymenorrhea with ovulatory disturbances
  • Polymenorrhea without ovulatory disturbances


Symptoms of polymenorrhea may include heavy menstruation, short intervals between periods, and possibly painful periods.


Causes of polymenorrhea can be varied, including hormonal imbalances, structural changes in the reproductive organs, thyroid disorders, and other medical conditions.


To establish a diagnosis of polymenorrhea, a doctor will conduct an examination, discuss medical history, may order laboratory tests and hormonal evaluations, ultrasound imaging, and other procedures.


Treatment for polymenorrhea depends on the cause and may include taking hormonal medications, surgical interventions, lifestyle and diet changes.


Prevention of polymenorrhea may include maintaining a healthy lifestyle, leading an active lifestyle, and regular medical check-ups.


Gynecologist provides consultation and treatment for polymenorrhea.

Note: This material is provided for information purposes only and is not medical advice.