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What is Hallux Valgus (Bunion)?

Description of the condition:

Hallux valgus, or bunion, is a common condition where the big toe deviates towards the smaller toes, causing a bony bump to form on the inner side of the foot, which can be painful and restrict movement.


  • Acquired hallux valgus
  • Congenital hallux valgus


  • Bump on the inner side of the foot
  • Pain and inflammation around the big toe
  • Restricted movement in the big toe joint


Main causes of hallux valgus include genetic predisposition, wearing ill-fitting shoes, injuries, and various foot development anomalies.


Diagnosis of hallux valgus includes a physical examination by a doctor, X-rays, and in some cases, MRI or CT scan for a more detailed assessment of the joint and bones.


Treatment may involve wearing special orthopedic insoles, physiotherapy, exercises to strengthen the foot muscles, and in more severe cases, surgical intervention to correct the deformity.


  • Wearing comfortable and properly fitted shoes
  • Avoiding foot injuries
  • Strengthening foot muscles with specific exercises


Orthopedic surgeon or podiatrist treats hallux valgus.

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.